The Code of Practice
Ethical Rating Cymru enables Welsh businesses to fulfil the Code of Practice ‘Ethical Employment in Supply Chains’, which was established by the Welsh Government to support the development of more ethical supply chains. The code is designed to ensure that workers in public sector supply chains are employed ethically and in compliance with UK, EU, and international laws.
The Code of Practice covers the following employment issues:
- Modern Slavery and human rights abuses
- Blacklisting
- False self-employment
- Unfair use of umbrella schemes and zero-hours contracts
- Paying the Living Wage
By signing up to the Ethical Rating Cymru programme, organisations will also sign up to the Code of Practice and will agree to comply with twelve commitments designed to eliminate Modern Slavery and support ethical employment practices.
The full Code of Practice ‘Ethical Employment in Supply Chains’ is available to view by clicking here.